COLLECTION of SaGa FINAL FANTASY LEGEND: uno sguardo in video alla raccolta dai Nintendo Switch europei

Pochi istanti fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su COLLECTION of SaGa FINAL FANTASY LEGEND, disponibile a fine anno su Nintendo Switch.

La raccolta contenente i primi tre titoli della serie SaGa su Game Boy (The FINAL FANTASY Legend, FINAL FANTASY Legend II e FINAL FANTASY Legend III), è stata pubblicata il 15 dicembre 2020 in formato digitale sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

In celebration of the SaGa series’ 30th anniversary, the first three games in the series are coming to Nintendo Switch in one collection!

The first Game Boy RPG to sell over a million units and the memorable first installment of the series: THE FINAL FANTASY LEGEND.
A title that gained popularity through its refined gameplay system and the journey through a diverse world: FINAL FANTASY LEGEND II.
A unique story that travelled across time that featured   a new and an innovative character leveling system.: FINAL FANTASY LEGEND III.

Experience the origins of the SaGa series with the COLLECTION OF SaGa FINAL FANTASY LEGEND, the first complete port of these hugely popular titles.

The collection includes new enhancements like  high-speed mode as well as features unique to the Nintendo Switch™, such as adjustable screen magnification and game screen background customization. Featuring   compatibility with, of course, handheld mode, but also with TV mode and tabletop mode. Furthermore, this game also revives the nostalgia of playing the original by enabling vertical usage of the console after removing the Joy-Cons. Take your collection on the go with handheld mode, share your journey with your Nintendo Switch in TV mode, or remove the Joy-Cons and turn your Nintendo Switch vertically for a retro Game Boy experience.

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